Effective from July 2023

Approved by: Chief Executive Officer

Five Good Friends Diversity and Inclusion Statement

“Why be a star when you can make a constellation?”

Mariam Kaba wrote these powerful words in her collection of essays and interviews titled  'We do this til we free us'. We love the wisdom, clarity and truth contained in this idea.

We are inspired by it. The star as a metaphor for a person, the constellation as a metaphor for building a better organisation by welcoming and celebrating difference.

It is such a simple idea, yet challenging. So succinct, yet broad. So immediate and accessible, yet telling of a journey that will never end. At Five Good Friends, we desire and intend to create a beautiful constellation of stars. Stars of different frequencies, brilliance, sizes, colours and ages.

There is more meaning and inspiration to be drawn from this idea.

Constellations are made of stars that can appear close together in the plane of the sky. In reality, these stars are separated by vast distances from where we view them. A constellation may be diverse but it is also inclusive, It brings together different stars in a unique, connected and welcoming way that leverages the individual characteristics of each star to make something bigger, better, brighter and more meaningful.

We will only be a great organisation, a constellation, if we can celebrate, welcome and foster a diverse and beautiful team of individuals bound by a sense of purpose.

This is the other aspect of a constellation that we find so inspiring. On their own stars can be hard to see, as part of a constellation they are easy to find.  Purpose provides a reason for being. Our constellation exists to enable people to remain connected to and engaged with the friends, family, homes and community they love for as long as they desire. To do this we will always value and welcome different stars, with a diversity of experiences, perspectives, skills, heritages and understandings.

Why be a star, when together we can make a constellation?

At a Glance

Five Good Friends believes that creating diverse and equal workplaces that empower workers to use their knowledge, skills and abilities will lead to improved performance, greater innovation, and higher staff engagement.

Five Good Friends is committed to creating a service that is inclusive and delivers person-centred care that respects and values everyone. As an organisation we are dedicated to creating a culture that ensures our Members, employees and Helpers feel supported, respected, and valued, irrespective of age, nationality, ability, religion, gender identity or sexuality.


This policy applies to all Five Good Friends workers (employees, Helpers, contractors, Board Directors), Members and their loved ones.