Effective from 19 April 2022
Approved by: Head of Aged Care and Quality
At a Glance
As a provider of quality care and services we want to ensure that equipment purchased, leased, and/or used during service provision is safe to use and appropriate for the Member’s care needs.
This policy applies to all Five Good Friends workers (employees, Helpers, contractors) and Members.
The objective of this policy is to ensure that Members receive safe and appropriate equipment to meet their care needs.
- Goods, Equipment and Assistive Technology - are provided to assist a Member to cope with functional limitations and maintain their independence. ****Items include those that provide short-term and ongoing support and assist with mobility, communication, reading and personal care
- HCP – Home Care Package
Policy Statement
- Equipment may be purchased or leased when:
- it is identified as being essential to achieve the objective of the Member’s Help Plan,
- it is part of the program deliverables,
- it is not available from other government funded programs, and
- access via a government funded program would require a long waiting period that would significantly hinder the implementation of the Member’s Help Plan.
- A Member’s care needs, as assessed by an appropriately qualified health professional, will identify the most appropriate equipment required.
- Information regarding the Member’s circumstances and how the supply of equipment will aid in the Member’s independence, safety, health, and wellbeing will inform the decision-making process.
- A Member has the choice to accept or not accept equipment recommendations, including having the right to choose not to use the equipment once it has been leased/purchased.
- Five Good Friends has a duty of care towards its Helpers and third party partners. If a Member chooses not to lease/purchase equipment that is recommended to lessen or remove a WHS risk to Five Good Friend’s workers or third party partners, we will work with the Member to review the service to determine how the service could be safely provided. This may include declining to provide a service that requires equipment to be used to ensure the safety of workers.